There is a lot of great advice that people will give you for high school. One of the most common is to try your hardest and never give up. its good advice. Some people would say stuff like get good grades and do well. Some people would say that's easy until they actually get to high school. That is when trying your hardest and never giving up come in.
More good advice that people will give is to see high school through all the way. Don't drop out. If you
finish high school all the way you are more likely to go to college which will get you a good education. the better the education you have the better the job you will get in the future and the higher paying job you will get.
Another common piece of advice and maybe the most common is don't overload on classes. High school should be a fun experience. if you overload on classes you will start to get stressed and then you wont
have fun in high school. then when you look back on it you wont have any good memories. make the best of your high school experience and have fun.
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